i was driving by st pats cemetery today and saw a raven sitting on a grave,,,we backed up and pulled in.the raven flew away so i looked at which grave it was sitting.it was sitting on a grave with the name richard.i got out to take a closer look and on the gravestone was a group of names 3 being higgins,which is my name..so i thought just a little bizarre.me my brother and my dad are the only higgins i know and are the only ones left in my family.earlier in the day a lady whos last namealso was higgins came into my restaurant.i never run into anybody with the name higgins so the whole day was weird for me...not that it means anything im just saying...also i took a picture in front of the mosoleum which is how i found it on the website...paranormal website that is....im just saying....weird!!!
i was driving by st pats cemetery today and saw a raven sitting on a grave,,,we backed up and pulled in.the raven flew away so i looked at which grave it was sitting.it was sitting on a grave with the name richard.i got out to take a closer look and on the gravestone was a group of names 3 being higgins,which is my name..so i thought just a little bizarre.me my brother and my dad are the only higgins i know and are the only ones left in my family.earlier in the day a lady whos last namealso was higgins came into my restaurant.i never run into anybody with the name higgins so the whole day was weird for me...not that it means anything im just saying...also i took a picture in front of the mosoleum which is how i found it on the website...paranormal website that is....im just saying....weird!!!